The last week has not been very kind to many people in Queensland and northern NSW. My heart goes out especially to the people of Bundaberg who not only had flooding but tornadoes as well. Where I live in Logan, we ended up having widespread flooding which we haven't had for many years. Our main road, the Mt Lindsay Highway, was cut as well as many smaller roads in my area so we were unable to get out for a few days. We also lost power during the high winds and due to the amount of people in the same boat (over 250,000 lost power), didn't get it back for almost 4 days. It really makes you appreciate the things you have, when you suddenly don't have them. We live in a semi rural area so depend on tanks for our water and electricity to pump the water into the house, luckily, we were able to borrow my son's generator which allowed us to get some water from the tank and keep essentials like the fridge and freezer on, so only lost a few food items that had melted. In the scheme of things though, the bit of inconvenience we experienced pales into comparison to what so many others have and are still going through. The rain has now stopped and the flood waters are going down but what has been left in it's wake, will take many months if not years to recover from. Below are a couple of photos from my local area
This is the main highway into Jimboomba. Have seen it over this road a number of times but not quite as wide or high. |
This is the park down the end of our street. Play equipment can't be seen. Water up to the top of the gas b-b-q. Water across the road. I have lived here for 20 years and have never seen this much water here. |
On a lighter note, my cat Oscar spent most of the day doing what he does best. |
I was able to do a little sewing yesterday and managed to finish my Initial Heart Swap gift. I popped this in the post today so it should be landing in .....?...... letter box next week.
Also I have put the OPAM logo on my side bar as I have joined up again for another year. Thanks Kris and Peg for running this in 2013. I know it takes a lot of your time at the end of the month, so really appreciate the encouragement you give us to get those UFO's finished. I have finished 3 items for January.
I also joined the 6 month Button Club over at
Theodora Cleave. I was absolutely amazed at what arrived in the first parcel. Below is what I received.
All the buttons, screen printed fabric with a number of designs and a button booklet. I think Barb is going to run another one starting in April. If you are interested, go and check out the blog. Just click on Theadora Cleave above.
Well, I am going to close now. Because of my lack of sewing machine and computer access this week, I have lots to catch up on including seeing what you all have been up to, so will be back when I have more to show and tell. Until then stay safe...... Hugs...