
Showing posts with label SAL 2015. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SAL 2015. Show all posts

Monday, May 25, 2015

Catching Up.......

I have had a busy couple of  weeks helping  my family. Firstly my grandson was sick and off school for 4 days with a stomach upset and then his Dad, my son, had to have an op to repair a ruptured bicep in his left arm which he had done at work a couple of months ago. Scott can't drive for at least 4 weeks so have my taxi hat on at the moment getting Jake to and from school and driving Scott to doctor and rehab appointments.
Therefore not much happening in the sewing department here at the moment other than I got to spend the weekend with my quilting group at Boonah. Went up late on Friday and came home after lunch on Sunday. I took hand sewing up and made progress on my May SAL blocks. I did a little stitching on my In the Garden blocks too. See photos below. All circles now complete and have started to add applique to them.
I also helped pin a charity quilt ready to be quilted by one of the other ladies. The group is making a few of these quilts this year to be given away to people within our community.
Although I didn't manage to get a lot done, I enjoyed the company and the little break away and caught up on some much needed rest.

Ruby has been to the vet for her final check and been given the all clear for the Elizabethan collar to come off. It has been a stressful couple of weeks trying to keep her quiet so it was great to see her running around the backyard when we got home last week. She is a character and enjoying being out of the confined patio area. Am I dreaming but she seems to be a bit more settled. On her walk with Chris yesterday, he said she sat and waited quietly while he talked to a neighbour. Chris said he had to laugh when the neighbour asked is that the same dog? She still has her moments but small steps are okay.

She takes about 2 minutes to empty her food bowl, she is 6 months old and weighs 28 kilos.

Well must go as I have to try to search out some props for my GS who informs me he has to dress up to give a presentation to the class tomorrow or he loses points. Talk about last minute!!!!!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Storm = no Friday Night sewing......Other stitching......

I live in South-East Queensland and yesterday, we had an almighty rain event. Through the day it rained quite heavy and we had water lying around our back door which has happened before with no bother. After dinner I walked up our hallway to find water pouring out of our drain in the bathroom. Luckily it had only just started to enter our bedroom but unfortunately it had travelled into the next bedroom which is now our computer room. Chris and I have never moved so quickly grabbing old towels and sheets to try to stem the flow of water from going any further. We spent the next couple of hours wringing out wet towels whilst trying to work out what was causing the problem. We finally realized that water was coming back up the pipe due to the overflow drain outside being blocked. Needless to say, today I have been washing loads of wet towels and sheets and trying to get wet carpet tiles to dry.
So no stitching done last night for Friday Night with Friends. Hope to get around to seeing what everyone else got up to soon. Thanks to Cheryll for hosting.

I will close with a couple of Christmas stitcheries that I have completed for April's  1 Xmas Item a Month hosted by Narelle at Pins and Whiskers.
These are blocks three and four of 9.

I also completed my April blocks for Chookyblue's SAL 2015.
My first EPP star block. I am really happy how these blocks are turning out.
Well must go.......... Lots to do...........
Happy Stitching till next time........

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Stitching with Friends.

Last night I joined in with Wendy from Sugarlane Quilts for Friday Night Sew In. You can go over and check out what everyone got up to by clicking on the link above. It is always a fun night knowing that lots of other people are stitching at the same time as you. Thank you Wendy for running FNSI,  encouraging us to finish off our projects or start new ones and catch up with some of our blogging friends as well.
I worked on my SAL blocks and continued to add the applique pieces to the April blocks. I'm always amazed just how long it takes me to choose such small pieces of fabric. In the end I'm usually happy with my choices but I guess all will be revealed when the blocks are put together at the end.
Oh dear, maybe a bit too much red here. Note to self, add more blue/brown to the other blocks.
I then decided to start my tracing for the In My Garden quilt by Natalie Bird. Now I am pleased to say I just have a few small stitcheries left to trace so felt I did well here.

These are the fabrics I am going to use so will need to sort out different threads to the list given by Natalie. May need to purchase one or two of the blue colour. As the above is a charm pack, have ordered some yardage from Patchwork Plus who fortunately had some of the range in stock. The fabric is called Rambling Rose by Sandi Gervais.
Well that's about it from me, had wanted to do more today but woke up a little sick, maybe tomorrow I'll manage to get the prep finished so I can make a start on the stitching.
Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend.
Happy Stitching till next time...............

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

What I'm Working On .....

I've been working on a few new projects lately so thought I would put some photos on here.
Firstly for the last couple of months I have been working on my Stitch-a-long (SAL) blocks. So far am up to date and am now working on my April blocks having completed my February and March ones on time. Yeah!!!!

Above February blocks

March blocks
I've left off some of the circles as I am thinking I may use buttons instead but if I don't will add the circles later. I am enjoying fussy cutting the fabrics which are French General in the most part although I have added a few 3 Sister ones as I didn't have enough for the backgrounds. The pattern is Natures Journey by Anni Downs. I have the blanket stitch border done on Aprils blocks just need to add the applique. I am blanket stitching mine not using needle turn.

Above is  the Easter Runner made for me by Inca from my Sunday Stitchers group. Isn't it beautiful. Thank you Inca for giving me such  a gorgeous runner. My runner to Inca is in a previous post.

I am also going to work on this project. In My Garden by Natalie Bird. My friend De has set up a Facebook Group so I can sew along with her and a few other ladies who have joined. I am using the above fabrics called Rambling Rose. Have ordered some yardage as the above is a charm pack. The background fabric is from my stash so now have to find time to transfer the designs so I can start stitching. Sixteen stitcheries in all though some are quite small.
Lastly, I must show you a photo of Ruby taken last weekend. She had puppy training on Saturday, then we had a vet appointment where she had a blood test. When she got home I found her taking a nap after her exhausting morning. Definitely not being a lady here. Today she is 5 months old, weighs in at 20 kg and is not biting so much now which is a blessing.
Well that's me for the moment.
Happy Stitching till next time.............    Hugs..............

Saturday, February 7, 2015

FNWF, Initial Heart Swap.

Last night I joined in to sew with lots of other quilters for Cheryll's Friday Night with Friends. A big Thank you to Cheryll for encouraging us again this year.
 I began the night by working on the new SAL 2015 run by Chookyblue and her lovely assistant Susan. I was hoping to get some backgrounds cut out but all I managed,was to sort out the fabrics I would use for Part 1 and make myself some notes so I will have an action plan to follow when I do start tomorrow. I am thinking that I probably will blanket stitch most of the applique so traced the pieces on the back of the sheets so they are reversed and ready to copy them onto viseofix.

I am also still working on Gossip in the Garden, so to actually get some stitching to show, I prepared these hexies for two of the blocks. Think I have to make 75 in all so have about 25 ready, only 50 to go.
I do love those Nancy Halvorsen fabrics. Don't know what I will do when I run out of them.

I also wanted to show the gifts I received from Marilyn for the Valentine's Day Initial Heart Swap also hosted by Cheryll. Thank you Cheryll you are a legend.......
The parcel above contained the lovely gifts below.  

A passport holder, three knitted wash cloths (see my initial knitted into the small yellow one), some chocolates and this little Golden Book which was a great read. I had a good laugh when I read it. Thank you very much Marilyn for the beautiful and thoughtful gifts you have made me. Hope to go for a trip later in the year so will put the passport holder to good use if that happens.
I sent my parcel off on Monday so hope it arrives soon. Can't show a photo as I completely forgot to take one of the wrapped parcel before I posted it.
Well must go, a few more hexies are calling me and hubby wants to use the computer.
Have a great weekend ...............Happy stitching till next time.......

Thursday, February 5, 2015

A late Birthday Gift, SAL 2015, Ruby Update.

I received a surprise a couple of weeks ago with an email from Toni of the Red Boot Quilt Company. I had won the Birthday Club gift for December.
I could choose one pdf pattern and also received a $25.00 voucher to Lynette Anderson's Little Quilt Shop.  Thank you so much Toni.
It was hard to select a pattern but I finally went with this one.

I used the voucher to get this pattern and the cat button to go with it.  I think this button reminded me of my cat called Oscar. What do you think? He won't be getting the cushion when it is made though.
He spends most of his time doing this these days. 

I have finally chosen my fabrics for  Chookyblue's  SAL 2015. They are from my stash although I've had to buy a few more background ones to go with them. The fabrics are French General. I have a Rural Jardin jelly roll and some fat quarters, a jelly roll of Le Bouquet Francais and some yardage and a charm pack of La Belle Fleur and yardage too. Also adding a few blues from my blue stash. Need to get into cutting out Part 1 now as February is going so fast.

I will be back later to post a photo of the lovely gifts I received from Marilyn in the Initial Heart Swap run by Cheryll from Gone Stitchin but now my puppy is letting me know she wants some attention and some food I think.
We took her off to puppy school last Monday night, learnt a few tips and she has not been biting so much but we still have a way to go before she stops I think. She looks like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth in this photo. Oscar is not very happy his peace and quiet has been ruined so we are trying to keep them apart for the moment.
See you soon.  Hugs.......

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Our new Puppy, SAL 2015.

Our household has increased by one with a new puppy arriving on Tuesday night.
Her name is RUBY and she was born 15 th November 2014. She is a German Shepherd Cross.
She is very cute although I am already sporting a few band aids from her sharp teeth. She has been sleeping okay at night but early mornings seem to be the go. Definitely not good as I am not a morning person.

Above are a few photos. The second one, she was helping with the zip ties for the temporary fence near the house.  Not sure Chris appreciated her help though.
The last one is of her sleeping, pity this wasn't happening at 3.00 am this morning. This too will pass.....Hopefully sooner than later........

And now to finish, I have also managed to complete my January Anni Downs stitchery for SAL 2015.

Just need to decide on the fabric I am using (hopefully from my stash) for Natures Journey and I am ready to begin in February for the first set of blocks.
Well must go I hear a bit of yelping going on outside so I had better check on Ruby.
Till next time..... Happy Stitching.......