I have had a crazy month and so no posts for a while. My son ended up in hospital a couple of weeks ago just as my grandson was due to go on his school camp to Canberra, the Snowy Mountains and Sydney so my time has been taken up elsewhere.. I had a last minute rush to get his clothes together and discovered that he needed a few more things so a quick trip to the shops, then taking up jeans and long pants and naming everything at the last minute, sort of meant I was exhausted when I finally got him on the bus. They arrived back this morning and he had a wonderful time so it was all worth the last minute rush. I am glad to say his Dad is also doing well and is back at work now.
This means I am very late with my SAL block for July. I have the background done and am in the process of tracing and choosing the fabrics for the flowers, birds and vase that are appliquéd to it.
May be a bit late in finishing as only a week to go.
Last Sunday was my Sunday Stitchers Group get together. Quite a few away this time but the girls that were there exchanged their Mini Swap. I wasn't in this one but all the quilts were just beautiful.
Here is a photo of the quilts they received. Lots of happy faces here.
I sent off my Christmas in July parcel earlier in the month and it has been received. I have also received mine and just remembered I haven't let Cheryll, our Swap Mum ma, know. Sorry Cheryll.
The parcel I sent. |
Only 1 day to go now till they can be opened.
To close I will show a couple of photos of Ruby, now over 8 months old. Look at those teeth. She is a real character but we are not too happy with her latest trick........chewing the hose that sprinkles the grey water over the back yard. Chris is going to dig a trench and bury it this weekend. Hoping this may stop her but as we move the hose around the yard there will always be some of it exposed. How long do they stay a puppy? TOO LONG I think...........
She really loves being brushed. She is a Shepherd cross Malamute so has a quite a thick undercoat.
Well must go as I have to tackle a suitcase that has lots of dirty clothes in it.
Till next time.... Happy Stitching......