This project has been sitting unfinished since before Christmas. I really started it a couple of years ago but had put it aside and forgotten about it until looking through my cupboard and there it was. I had to change the year to 2oo9 and I still didn't get it completed. So it is now on my wall near the dining room table until the end of January so I don't feel so guilty about not finishing such a small project in time for Xmas. My first finish for OPAM.

The patisserie layer cake, a lovely gift, will be used to make a Pin Wheel Sampler quilt that Rachel will be starting on PS I Quilt shortly. The button and link can be found on my sidebar. A layer cake, 3 yds of co-ordinating plain fabric, backing and binding is all that is needed.

And finally, my new Brother machine which I needed to buy as my old faithful machine, sadly, could not be repaired and had to go to machine heaven where-ever that is. I have had it a number of years and it has been most reliable so I decided to stick with the same brand so I could use all the clip-on feet from my old one including the walking and quarter inch foot. I have found that when the Bernina is on the quilting machine if I don't have another machine to use, I can't do any machine sewing on other projects. Once I start a quilt top, I really don't want to take the machine on and off. Just thought I would let you know that I am still practising and improving slowly I hope. Am going to try out the speed control and maybe the pattern device on the week-end. Wish me luck, I may need it.

Next Tuesday is AUSTRALIA DAY here in AUSTRALIA. Hope all my AUSSIE friends have a great day.