We had a wonderful time at the camp at Boonah on the week-end. We had lots of fun and laughter, a couple of late nights, great food and we also managed to get plenty of sewing done. I worked on my Authentic quilt blocks and finished all 40 blocks, then stitched the blocks of my Xmas runner together (photos of these in my last post) as well as finishing off my apron and place mat which has a pocket for my cutlery on it. I used the same fabric for both. I had a quilter's panel so used sections of this and blanket-stitched them to each piece. I added a pocket and lined my apron to give it a nice finish. I am standing in the middle of the photo above. Brenda on the end (right side) in my photo won the best apron prize.

Below are some of the quilts the girls from my quilting group were working on. Cindy's Secret Garden quilt. All the florals used are different. I love this quilt made with 5" squares and light colored yardage. Several girls were making this quilt.
Joy finished her candlewick quilt with borders and lace.
This Color wash quilt was coming together nicely.
Tomorrow I am off to Eagle Farm Racecourse for a Melbourne Cup Party. My second son, Todd, turns forty on the 10 th of November and he decided he would like to celebrate it with some family and friends on cup day at the races. It will be nice to be there as it is a long time since I got dressed up and attended a Melbourne Cup day. I've bought a fascinator to add to my outfit. All that's left to do is pick the winner........ any suggestions?
Cheers for now ...........Sorry I can't seem to get this to post without large spaces between the photos so this will be the last time I try as it is getting late.
Cheers for now ...........Sorry I can't seem to get this to post without large spaces between the photos so this will be the last time I try as it is getting late.