Well, it's taken me long enough but I think at last I am getting the Christmas spirit. The tree is up and decorated, the cards have been sent and the presents are wrapped. Just the last minute shop for food, a quick house clean, then some preparation and I'm there. Our Christmas morning will be quiet but will give Chris and I some time to sleep in then enjoy a leisurely breakfast together to celebrate our birthdays before the family arrives mid afternoon. I love the fact that we share our birthday and this year it is Chris's 60 th, he hates fuss so no party, although it has always been hard to organize anything near Xmas anyway, every one's so busy at this time of year.
Before I go, must show you what I sent for Maree's Christmas Swap. Three of these I can add to my OPAM list for December.
Something for Xmas : An apron, a Christmas tree plate, a beaded Christmas tree ornament which I made, some choccies.

I really enjoyed doing this swap. I loved making the bag and wallet and I intend to make some more of these as gifts as they are quite quick to sew once the cutting out is done.
I was in a birthday fat quarter swap organised by Maree also and so I have 3 parcels that have arrived for that but I am going to wait to open them on my birthday.
Well, must go, to everyone who has taken the time to read my blog, I would like to...........
Well, must go, to everyone who has taken the time to read my blog, I would like to...........
I hope you will call in again next year. Until then it's bye for now. Noela